Happy Trails!

Wow, what a trip I’ve had!  Thank you for your help along the way.  Now I have maps of all the places I’ve visited.  I hope you’ve learned a lot about our world and your country.

I can’t wait to set out on another journey – maybe the Amazon Rainforest, or Antarctica…..what about Mars?!

Happy Trails!


Geographical Terms for Land and Water

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a lake and a bay? How about an ocean and a gulf? Map 4 may look a little funny, but it has the major land and water forms on it.  Use the links below to help you learn about the land and water forms.

Landforms (don’t forget to log in – there will be some extra landforms discussed, but use the terms on Map 4 to label the map)

Landforms Glossary

After you’ve finished labeling your map, use Chapter 1 to check your work!


Physical Features of the United States

I hope you read chapter 1 yesterday.  Here’s a quick pop quiz:

I hope you got it right!  I decided to look at little closer at our country and I found out that it has some really cool features.  We don’t live in a country that is all hills or all water – our country changes as you move east to west and north to south.  Join me as I take a look at some important features of the U.S of A!

We’re not going to watch videos this time, but we are going to look at some maps.  You’re going to label Map 3 in your packet.  I found this great site that was developed by Mr. Kafkas.  He really helped me understand where the features are in the U.S.  Click on the link below and look at the description and pictures of the physical features.  Really discuss with your partner where the location of that feature is.  When you’re done, you can use Chapter 1 to check your work.

Good Luck!

Kafkas University

Where Should I Start?

After looking at all of the continents AND oceans……click on where I should go first.  (I have scuba gear if you take me into an ocean)


Continents and Oceans and Hemispheres…..Oh, My!

The world is a big place!  I have no idea where to start…..maybe you can help me decide where to start! Use your packet and the links below to label Map 1 and Map 2.

Ocean Data Chart – click on “Data” on the left hand side!

Continents Chart (scroll down to the “Area and Population” section and “Highest and Lowest Points” section to find charts that answer the clues in your packet)

Continents of the World (watch this video AFTER you have completed Map 1 – use it to check your work!)

What’s With All the Lines?!

Did you ever notice that there’s a lot of lines on a map?  Look at this one, and this one!  Lots and lots of lines!  What do those lines mean?  Click on the link below to learn the names of these lines and why they are so useful!

Latitude and Longitude

Now, look at your packet to answer the questions.


All About Maps….In 3 Minutes

Before we get started, we have a couple things to learn about.  The most important things are: what is a map, why is it important to have a map, and how do you read a map?

Click on the link below and answer the questions in your packet while watching the video (you’ll find login information on the board):

Map Skills


Where in the World is Rascal the Raccoon?


Hi, I’m Rascal! I’m on a quest to see the world – but I need a little help.  As I travel the world, I don’t want to forget all the places I go.  That’s where you come in – all you’ll need is your iPad, maps, a pencil, and colored pencils.

Use the clues I give you to fill out your map and answer the question: Where in the World is Rascal the Raccoon?!